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Phone Data Base V 2.15 Installation Notes
1. Create a directory.
2. PKUNZIP the ZIP files in the directory.
3. Check if WINDOWS system directory (e.g. C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM)
contains BWCC.DLL. If there is no BWCC.DLL in the system
directory, move the provided BWCC.DLL to the directory. If
there exists BWCC.DLL in the system directory, compare the
version of the BWCC.DLL with this BWCC.DLL included in the
ZIP file. Use a newer version of BWCC.DLL in the WINDOWS
system directory and remember to backup the original BWCC.DLL
in the WINDOWS system directory if it is to be overwritten.
Donot keep the provided BWCC.DLL in the installed directory
because this file may have to be shared with other application.
An install utility will be included in the next new release.
4. Now, you can create a window group as usual or just run it
License Agreement
This program is distributed as a shareware. If you find this
"Phone Database" to be a useful addition to your software library,
you're requested to become a registered user by completing the
enclosed registration form and returning it along with the
indicated license/registration fee.
You are encouraged to make copies of "Phone Database" shareware
version for other individuals and organizations, subject to the
following restrictions:
1) All "Phone Database" distribution files must be copied
in unmodified form.
2) You may not include any other files with the distributed
The "Phone Database" and all accompanying materials are provided
"as is" without warranty of any kind. The entire risk of using
"Phone Database" is assumed by you. The author, X. Zhou, makes no
warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including but not
limited to any warranties of merchantability and fitness for a
particular purpose. In no event will the author, X. Zhou, be liable
for any damages whatsoever arising from your use of the program.
A registration fee of $8.00 establishes you as a registered
user of the current version of "Phone Database". A registration
of $15.00 establishes you as a Lifetime registrant, and in this case
you are entitled to the next two versions of "Phone Database" free
(excluding shipping charge). After that, you will be notified of each
new release, and they will be available for a three dollar fee.
When you submit your registration fee, unless you specifically
request otherwise, the author will mail you a copy of the current
version of "Phone Database" in 3.5" disk.
Registration Form of "Phone Database"
Send to Address: X. Xhou
517 Jackson Place
N.W. Calgary, Alberta
Canada T3B 2V3
Phone Database V.2.15
Disk size: ( 3.5 / 5.25 / other________ )
Registration OPTIONS:
One-Time Registration ............ _____ @ $ 8.00 each $ _____
Lifetime Registration ............ _____ @ $ 15.00 each $ _____
Update Registered Version......... _____ @ $ 3.00 each $ _____
Subtotal $ _____
Shipping ....................................... $ 3.00 $ _____
Total (U.S.Funds) $ _____
Name: __________________________________________________________
Company: _______________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________
Day Phone: _________________________
Eve Phone: _________________________
Email: _____________________________
Comment: _______________________________________________________
P.S. I would also appreciate any input you would care to give
concerning "Phone Database". If you have any ideas or comments
that would make "Phone Database" a better program, then please
let me know.